As an open, community-supported infrastructure effort, we rely on diverse OA Book stakeholders to support our research, development and operations.

Supported by the Mellon Foundation, from 2023 and 2024, OA Book Usage Data Trust (OAEBUDT) staff engaged book stakeholders to explore potential ways to effectively recover the costs associated with coordinating a community-governed open data space infrastructure. A potential membership model emerged. In September 2024, our Board of Trustees approved the launch of our Supporting Membership so organizations could financially contribute to our growth and accelerate our time to launch.

By becoming a Supporting Member, organizations will help the Data Trust to establish and refine its onboarding processes as it works to launch the full membership model in 2025 with tiers, benefits and governance connections. Supporting Members can be organizations that wish to support the robust, diverse infrastructure community the OAEBUDT has been creating and developing. Once the membership model is launched in 2025, they would benefit from the aspects listed in the below draft membership model that surfaced from the community consultations 2023-2024.

To become a Supporting Member, please contact our Community Manager at OPERAS.