Presentations & Consultations
Poster Presentation | IDCC Conference
Community Manager, Ursula Rabar, will provide background to the OAeBUDT effort, summarizing key research findings to date while providing a preview of the technical pilot.
More info here:
Poster Presentation | UKSG Conference
Executive Director, Christina Drummond, will offer an overview of the OAeBUDT effort, highlighting key research findings to date. Visitors will also have access to interactive QR codes for an engaging experience.
More info here:
Presentation | Charleston Library Conference
An International Data Space for OA Book Usage Data Exchange Across Public and Private Stakeholders
In this “Lively Discussion” Executive Director Christina Drummond will be joined by Michelle Urberg (LibLynx) to reflect upon the usefulness and potential of a “data space” for scholarly communications impact data given their participation in the initial OA Book Usage Data Trust data space technical pilot. Laura Ricci (Clarke and Esposito) will join them to reflect on whether the benefits of a usage and impact related data space would apply to additional scholarly communications outputs beyond books and usage data given the stakeholders and data flows involved.
Poster Presentation | 23rd Research Data Alliance Plenary
Executive Director, Christina Drummond, will offer an overview of the OAeBUDT effort, highlighting key research findings to date. Visitors will also have access to interactive QR codes for an engaging experience.
More info here:
Panel Presentation | NISO Plus 2024 (online)
Executive Director, Christina Drummond, will join Jennifer Kemp and Laura Ricci to discuss scalable digital infrastructure for public-private usage metrics sharing.
Full program is available here:
Presentation and Poster Session | OASPA Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing 2024
Executive Director, Christina Drummond, will join other panelists on the panel ‘All impact, no factor? How to assess the benefits of OA books and infrastructure’ as well as present the OA Book Usage Data Trust effort during the poster session.
Full program is available here:
Presentation | ALPSP Annual Conference
Executive Director, Christina Drummond, will join other panelists during the 5a Session ‘The Value of OA Books’ to explore how open access is adding value to both publishers and communities, as well as discuss how to maximise their impact and increase their reach.
Full program is available here:
Presentation | LIBER Conference
Community Manager Ursula Rabar will share the potential for digital infrastructure to support the exchange and processing of sensitive and proprietary usage and impact metrics generated by publishers, libraries and distributors.
Panel Presentation | AUPresses 2024
Executive Director Christina Drummond will join two panelists to discuss how can OA book usage data help tell the OA book story and craft important value propositions.
Presentation | IDSA Ecosystem Building Call (Online)
Community Manager, Ursula Rabar, will provide background to the OA Book Usage Data Trust effort, summarizing key research findings to date while providing a preview of the upcoming technical pilot.
Community Consultation | OPERAS Conference
Exploring Sustainability for Global OA Book Usage Data Trust Infrastructure
Christina Drummond and Ursula Rabar will facilitate this workshop that invites OA usage stakeholders to learn what the Data Trust IDS service will provide, to then explore and evaluate ways to sustain such a trusted, neutral data intermediary infrastructure within the scholarly publishing ecosystem.
Community Consultation | Online Focus Group
The OA Book Usage Data Trust effort is currently exploring and evaluating ways to sustain a trusted, neutral data intermediary infrastructure within the scholarly publishing ecosystem.
In this online focus group, you will be able to discuss and consider the strengths and weaknesses of various cost-recovery oriented revenue generation options for the Data Trust.
To accommodate different time zones there will be two time options to choose from:
March 20th at 9.00 AM CET / 8.00 AM UTC / 4.00 AM EDT
March 20th at 3.00 PM CET / 2.00 PM UTC / 10.00 AM EDT
Sign up for your preferred slot here:
Community Consultation | Researcher to Reader
Workshop A: Sustainability for Global OA Book Usage
Christina Drummond and Ursula Rabar will facilitate this workshop that invites OA usage stakeholders to learn what the Data Trust IDS service will provide, to then explore and evaluate ways to sustain such a trusted, neutral data intermediary infrastructure within the scholarly publishing ecosystem.
Presentation | NISO +
Executive Director Christina Drummond will join Laura Ricci of Clarke & Esposito on a panel to discuss open access books and their infrastructure.
Presentation | Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
Executive Director Christina Drummond will present a lightning talk on Cyberinfrastructure to support the scalable exchange of sensitive and proprietary usage and impact metrics across public and private stakeholders,
Presentation | Charleston Library Conference
How an international data trust model can benefit those working with OA book usage data
In this “Lively Discussion” Executive Director Christina Drummond and Trustees Sharla Lair, Jennifer Kemp, and Dimitris Pierrakos will discuss the development of the data trust’s community governance, the role of board policy and the data exchange ‘rulebook’, and how the data trust can inform the exploration of national infrastructure to streamline public/private metrics exchange.
Community Consultation | Charleston Library Pre-Conference
Library publishing stakeholders are invited to inform how an open infrastructure is sustained by and for the communities it serves. This workshop invites OA usage stakeholders to learn what the Data Trust’s International Data Space (IDS) service will provide, to then explore and evaluate ways to sustain such a trusted, neutral data intermediary infrastructure within the scholarly publishing ecosystem.
Specifically participants will:
Learn about the OAEBUDT effort and the IDS infrastructure
Consider the strengths and weaknesses of various cost-recovery oriented revenue generation options for non-profit open scholarly infrastructure, leveraging exercises from the Open Data Institute’s Sustainable Data Access Workbook and a preliminary business model canvas prepared for the effort by MoreBrains Consulting.
Reflect on how sustainability models might impact trust, neutrality, and global participation, to explore mitigation strategies that address concerns.
Poster Session | OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing 2023
Community Manager, Ursula Rabar, will provide background to the OAeBUDT effort, summarizing key research findings to date while providing a preview of the emerging ethical data exchange and use guidelines.
Poster Session | PUBMET2023
Community Manager Ursula Rabar will share emerging participation and ethical data exchange and use guidelines for the data trust to ensure that they meet the needs of diverse OA book stakeholders and the research community at large.
Attending | Make Data Count Summit
Christina Drummond will be participating in the summit to engage with stakeholders and represent findings and lessons learned to date through research efforts.
Poster Session | OAI - The Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication
Ursula Rabar will present on how the OAEBUDT is Applying the EU International Data Space (IDS) Model for Open Scholarly Communications Metrics Exchange
Presentation | LibPMC 2023
Community Manager Ursula Rabar will join Data Trust Trustees Charles Watkinson, Tasha Mellins-Cohen, and Jon Elwell to discuss data sharing principles for book usage metrics.
Attending | LIBER 2023
Community Manager Ursula Rabar will be on site meeting with OA book usage data stakeholders.
Presentation | OR2023
In this session, our Executive Director will join representatives of AfricArxiv, the Publishers Association of South Africa, Wits University Press, DataCite, and ROR to discuss how multiple organizations across the OA usage data ecosystem function together to increase trust in aggregated cross-platform usage data. After a brief overview of the OA usage data supply chain, panelists will describe their organization's role in fostering trusted OA output usage data and identify future areas for collaborative development.
Poster Session | OR2023
Christina Drummond will provide an overview of our work while inviting feedback on emerging policies and principles for data stewardship through the emerging usage data space.
Panel Presentation | AUPresses 2023
Ursula Rabar reflects upon the data trust effort’s role addressing opportunities and challenges for transitioning books to Open Access.
Presentation | SSP 2023
Session 2A: Unpacking OA Usage Reporting - What Do Stakeholders Want?
In this session, Executive Director Christina Drummond will join a panel to explore what’s known, unpack open questions and lay the groundwork for future standards in this area.
Poster Session | SSP 2023
Members of the OA Book Usage Data Trust team will provide an overview of our work, including emerging policies and principles for data stewardship through the emerging usage data space.
Community Consultation | Library Publishing Forum
Our Community Manager, Ursula Rabar, hosts an active session on Book Usage Metric Sharing and Use Guardrails: Developing Ethical Principles and System Requirements to Protect Reader Privacy and Automate Multi-Publisher and Platform OA Book Usage Data Exchange and Aggregation.
In this session, the library publishing community will have an opportunity to provide feedback on draft ethical principles, community governance structures, and data trust participation requirements drafted by stakeholders for community review. Participants will explore the importance of book usage data stewardship practices and policies, and why high quality, granular OA book usage analytics and reports may require detailed usage data to be exchanged in controlled environments as opposed to aggregate data harvested from the public web. Issues of privacy, transparency, community governance, security will be explored while considering whether specific use and reuse limitations should exist for book usage data shared across the book publishing ecosystem.
Community Consultation | Rulebook Workshop
In this working meeting thought leaders will identify and develop an initial set of OA book usage data use policies and participation requirements for the OA Book Usage Data Trust. Participants will be asked to consider what is needed to ensure ethical data use and to foster trust among the diverse OA Book Usage Data Trust participants, including commercial and public usage data contributors and those who leverage the data exchanged through the OA Book Usage Data Trust’s data space.
Attending | London Book Fair
Community Manager Ursula Rabar will be on site meeting with OA book usage data stakeholders.
Presentation | CNI Spring Member Meeting 2023
Workshop Report Out: National Infrastructure for Public Access Usage and Impact Reporting
Christina Drummond, Charles Watkinson, and Niels Stern talk provide an overview and reflections on conversations that took place at an April 2nd workshop on Exploring National Infrastructure for Public Access Usage and Impact Reporting.
Compiling usage and impact metrics across public and private repositories, services, and publishers is a time and data science expertise-intensive activity undertaken by individual researchers, universities, libraries, and publishers. Challenges related to reader privacy, data ownership, and trusted use confront the exchange and reuse of this data. To advance Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) research impact reporting, on April 2nd, 2023, a National Science Foundation-supported workshop brought together stakeholders to explore how best to leverage shared cyberinfrastructure to support cross-platform systems integrations and ethical data processing that addresses concerns related to artificial intelligence, machine-based aggregation and the use of scholar-specific impact data. Stakeholders advanced four strategic collaboration opportunity areas that surfaced in a November 2022 Association of Research Libraries (ARL) survey of research data organizations, specifically addressing how to facilitate economies of scale for the reporting and analysis of usage data related to publicly accessible scholarship outputs. This panel will feature perspectives on these issues from library, repository, and data platform workshop participants while providing the first summary of the workshop findings. Topics to be addressed will include: a) challenges to cross-platform public and open impact analytics at scale, b) open infrastructure opportunities to improve the FAIRness of usage data, and c) identified gaps in the national infrastructure for scholarly output impact reporting.