Identifying Shared Interests and OA Book Usage Challenges
The Understanding OA Ebook Usage: Toward a Common Framework project
Building from conversations that began in 2015 at the Scholarly Communications Institute, this effort was funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation from June 2018 to May 2019.
Project Focus
This project brought together book usage data stakeholders to strengthen relationships, understand varied perspectives and goals, and document both the challenges and opportunities facing the aggregation, analysis, and communication of OA eBook usage.
Project Outputs
The Understanding OA Ebook Usage: Toward a Common Framework Zenodo Community archive contains project deliverables that paved the way for future work, including:
Project Team
Principal Investigators:
Charles Watkinson (University of Michigan)
Kevin Hawkins (University of North Texas)
Lucy Montgomery (KU Research)
Brian O’Leary (Book Industry Study Group)
Project Consultants:
Workshop Facilitation: Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
Nic Suzor, Queensland University of Technology
Workshop Participants:
Peter Berkery (AUPresses)
Rob Cartolano (Columbia University Libraries / simplyE
Terry Ehling (MIT Press)
Jon Elwell (EBSCO)
Lorraine Estelle (COUNTER)
Eelco Ferwerda (OAPEN)
Sven Fund (Knowledge Unlatched)
Jo Gray (KU Research)
Kevin Hawkins (UNT Libraries)
Eric Hellman (Free Ebook Foundation/
Laurie Kaplan (ProQuest)
Jennifer Lin (Crossref)
Ross MacIntyre (JISC)
Nathan Maharaj (Rakuten Kobo)
Lucy Montgomery (KU Research)
Pierre Mounier (OPERAS/HIRMEOS)
Martin Moyle (University College London Press)
Cameron Neylon (KU Research)
Brian O'Leary (Book Industry Study Group)
Wendy Queen (Project MUSE)
Judy Ruttenberg (Association of Research Libraries)
John Sherer (University of North Carolina Press)
Frank Smith (JSTOR)
Mike Taylor (Digital Science)
Erich van Rijn (University of California Press)
Charles Watkinson (University of Michigan Press)
Becky Welzenbach (University of Michigan Library)