Our Vision
Community Governed Sharing of Quality, Interoperable, Open Access (OA) Book Usage Data
Our Mission:
To champion strategies for the improved publication and management of open-access books by exchanging reliable usage data in a trusted, equitable, and community-governed way.
Our History:
Since 2015, an international effort has grown through projects to facilitate the direct data exchange and benchmarking of open and proprietary usage data about Open Access books. To date, stakeholders from across five continents have collaborated to document book metadata and impact reporting challenges, the book usage data ecosystem, usage data applications, and data governance frameworks.
In 2021, project stakeholders developed initial governance principles and elected our inaugural Board of Trustees to guide us forward. Teams now work towards a launch of an international data space for OA book usage data, guided by our Trustees, Principal Investigators, Executive Director and community members.
In 2023, the OAEBUDT entered into a fiscal sponsorship agreement with OPERAS.
Individuals and organizations are always welcome to join our effort. Start by reviewing our Frequently Asked Questions.